Monday, February 07, 2011

Parking Fines.

Today, whilst I was with a client (same old, same old, not need for details) at a lovely, high end hotel in the city, I got a parking fine.

'Stopping where a no stopping sign applies' was the description.

What the fuck?

I specifically read the sign, and it was after the time on in, which means you can stop there as long as you want (well until the morning when the time starts again). I did no wrong.

I hope you know City Council, I will be disputing this and there is no way that I will be paying it. And if you try to make me I'll just use the 'Get Out of Parking Fines' card that my mothers accountant uses. His excuse is legal by the way.

It's not even the money (it is only fifty eight bucks after all), it's the principal, I did no wrong so I'm NOT paying.

Suck on that Council.

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