Tuesday, January 25, 2011


T, who I have previously written about here, texted me again today, he is a very insecure man.

He keeps saying 'if you want to see me again', and yes well it's nice that he wants to make sure I'm comfortable to, but he only needs to ask once, not, oh lets say, almost a dozen times.

I like a man to be considerate, but not wimpy, I've said previously how this emotional neediness makes me squirm a little. I'm very private about my emotions towards people, I'm not withdrawn as such, I just don't like to be as close to people as they do to me.

This makes me nervous, although I never show nerves, I can fake confidence until I actually get it. It also seems to cause men to chase me, and become a little clingy. I would never say this out loud, but here in the anonymous blogosphere, I am admitting it, although I still feel like I'm bragging. I'm not, I swear, it just happens.

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