Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Joking about kidnapping, really?

So, Scribbles sent me yet another email, he jokes about kidnapping me so he can have me all to his self and asks me for hints about how to do it.

Ha, I could totally kick your ass if you even tried. Yes, maybe I am a little arrogant, but he's a pussy, I could.

He tells me he's falling in love with me, that I'm his number one priority, that his dream is  that we can be together forever for real.

I'm flattered, but this still kinda gets under my skin. He doesn't even know me, well only the parts that I've let him see which is hardly any of my true self. I like a man that can challenge me (and loves to) as much as I challenge, that I can seduce, but not wrap around my finger.

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