Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fact or Racism?

I always remember my year 10 Australian Studies teacher (he was awesome, smart and funny!) making a comment, I don't remember what it was, but one of the students said it was racist, now I know it wasn't a degrading comment, but as students do, they like to stir up the teachers.

The teacher replied by saying something along the lines of "Racism is a generalization of a particular race that is not true, what I said was a fact, as in a large percentage of this race has what I was talking about, it is not unfair to say that." Well he said it much more prettily, but thats the jist of it.

In saying that, I have found that about 70% of the asian clients I've had have become infatuated with me, they think there's more to our relationship than there actually is. Where as the Australian clients know it's a professional relationship and don't kid themselves that we can ever be anything more than strictly friends, and I doubt we will ever be close friends, it will always stay at a professional friendship.

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